![]() | Baby Girl Names - D | Add baby names |
Girls: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
Boys: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
Unisex: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
Dac ¤ Day ¤ Des ¤ Dom ¤ Dur |
| Baby Names for GirlsUnique girl names on D and their meanings, name (origin - meaning). | |
Domenica Dominga Dominica (latin name - of the lord) Dominique (french name - of god) Dominque Domna Domna-mariya Domnika Domnikiya Domonique Dona Donalda Donaldina Donara Donatella (italian name - beautiful star) Donelle (celtic name - world leader) Donita Donna (latin name - lady, woman) Donnica (latin name - lady) Donoma (native american name - sight of the sun) Doora Dor Dora (greek name - gift) Dorathy Dorcas (greek name - gazelle) Dore (greek name - gift) Doreen Dorene Doretha Doretta Dorette Dori (greek name - gift) Doria (greek name - sea) Dorian Doriana Dorianna Dorida Dorie (american name - the sea) Dorika Doriko Dorina Dorinda (spanish name - talented) Dorine Doriona Doris (greek name - sea) Dorisa Dorish Dorit (hawaiian name) Dorita | Doritsa Doriya Doriyana Dorota Dorotea Doroteya Dorotha Dorothea (greek name) Dorothy (greek name - gift of god) Doroti Dorotta Dorottya Dorotya Dorrie Dorris Dorsey Dortha Dorthy Dory (greek name - gift of god) Dosia Dot (greek name - gift of god) Dothy Dottie Dotty (greek name - gift of god) Dovie Doyna Dozdraperma (russian name) Drea (greek name - courageous) Dreama (american name - joyous music) Dreda Drina Drucilla (latin name - mighty) Drusilla (roman name) Duaa (arabic name - prayer to god) Dubravka (yugoslavian name) Dudana (old georgian name) Duena (spanish name - protect the companion) Duff Dulce (spanish name - sweet) Dulcea (spanish name - sweet) Dulcibella Dulcie Dulcina (latin name - rose) Dulcinea (latin name - sweet) Dumi Dunne Dunuta Dunya Dunyahanum |