![]() | Baby Boy Names - K | Add baby names |
Girls: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
Boys: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
Unisex: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
Kab ¤ Kar ¤ Ken ¤ Kit |
| Baby Names for BoysUnique boy names on K and their meanings, name (origin - meaning). | |
Karlos Karlos Adol`fo Karlos Al`berto Karlos Manuel` Karlos-ivan Karlosh Karlus Karlush Karlygash Karman Karp Karsten Karston (english name) Kas`yan Kaseko (african name - mock, ridicule) Kasen Kasim (african name - controller of anger) Kasimir Kaspar (german name) Kasper (persian name - treasurer) Kass (german name - blackbird) Kateb (arabic name - writer) Kato (latin name - good judgement) Katungi (african name - rich) Kavan Kavanagh (irish name) Kavi Kaycee Kayo (american name - from initials k.o.) Kayonga (african name - ash) Kayrat Kaz (polish name) Kaz`ma Kazbek Kazbulat Kazi (african name - work) Kazim (turkish name) Kazimagomed Kazimagomet Kazimbek Kazimir Keagan (celtic name - son of eagan, fiery) Keahi Keane (old english name - sharp) Keanu Kearney (the winner) Keary Keaton Keb (african name - earth) Kedar | Kedem (hebrew name - old, ancient) Keefe (celtic name - handsome, beloved) Keefer (celtic name - handsome, beloved) Keegan (celtic name - son of eagan, fiery) Keelan Keelin Keen Keenan (celtic name - little and ancient) Keene (celtic name - wise, learned) Keeran Kegan Kei Keiji (japanese name - lead cautiously) Keir Keiran (celtic name - little and dark) Keitaro (japanese name - blessed) Keith (celtic name - warrior descending) Keladry Kelby Kele (native american name - sparrow hawk) Kelii (hawaiian name - chief) Kell (old norse name - spring) Kellan (celtic name - powerful) Kellen Kelley Kellsie Kelly Kelsea Kelsey Kelton (celtic name - town of celts) Kelvin (celtic name - river of scotland) Kemal (turkish name - highest honor) Kemp (english name - fighter) Ken (celtic name - handsome) Kenadie Kenaz (hebrew name - bright) Kendall Kendi Kendis Kendrick (anglo saxon name - ruler) Kenelm (old english name - brave helmet) Kengisan Kenjebek Kenjehan Kenjehyan Kenjekanim Kenjesh Kenley Kenn Kennan (celtic name) |